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Latest news
  • July 2024

    Additional information submitted to DfI planning for the Owenreagh/Craignagapple Project. An updated Environmental Statement (ES) for a scenario where the baseline for Environmental Impact Assessment excludes the Owenreagh I turbines was submitted to DfI. The possible alternative baseline scenario has not resulted in the identification of any effects considered to be significant nor identified the need for any change to the proposed mitigation set out in the 2023 ES.

  • December 2023
    The non-material change application for the refurbishment of the Owenreagh I turbines was refused by Derry City & Strabane District Council.
  • September 2023
    The Owenreagh/Craignagapple wind farm application was submitted in September 2023. It is Ørsted’s intention to decommission Owenreagh I & II as part of the Owenreagh/Craignagapple wind farm repowering application. The timeframe for the determination of this application is estimated to be in the region of 12-18 months.
  • July 2023
    A Non-Material Change application has been submitted to Derry City & Strabane District Council and is intended to facilitate the refurbishment of the existing Owenreagh I turbines. The Zond Z40 turbines are no longer in production, and the parts for the refurbishment are difficult to obtain. Therefore, it is easier to replace the turbine parts with the Vestas V39, which has similar turbine dimensions and is a quieter technology.
  • November/December 2022
    The Stage 2 public consultation events were held on 30th November 2022 (Fir Trees Hotel, Strabane) and 1st December 2022 (Owen Roe O’Neills GAC Club Rooms, Glenmornan). As part of the Stage 2 consultations, Ørsted hosted an additional dedicated consultation event in a local landowners’ farm premises (Rouses’ barn on 29th November 2022), to ensure that local residents could access project information in their immediate environs. Ørsted and the project team shared details of the wind farm layout and design, the Environmental Impact Assessment process and the planning application process. Feedback from the Stage 1 and Stage 2 public consultation events will be collated and included within the Pre-Application Community Consultation report that will be submitted as part of the planning application package.
  • November 2022
    Third leaflet distributed to all houses within 3km of the proposed wind farm.
  • August 2022
    Due to ongoing delays with the planning scoping process, the second community consultation event has been postponed until November 2022 and planning submission is now expected in Spring 2023
  • February 2022
    Due to ongoing delays with the planning scoping process, the second community consultation event has been postponed until August/September 2022 and planning submission is now expected in Winter 2022
  • November 2021
    First community consultation events held at Fir Trees Hotel in Strabane and Owen Roes’ GAC club rooms in Glenmornan
  • November 2021
    Second leaflet distributed to community and other stakeholders
  • October 2021
    Update Flyer circulated to all homes within 3km of the development
  • September 2021
    First leaflet distributed to community and other stakeholders
  • July 2021
    EIA Scoping and PAD Report submitted to DfI
  • May 2021
    DfI Planning has confirmed that the project is considered regionally significant and they will be determining the planning application
  • April 2021
    Section 26 determination submitted to Department for Infrastructure